DIY Methods To Clean Mold & Algae Around Your Home

Do you have some outdoor furniture or a small sidewalk that’s growing mold and algae on it?

Are you a DIY kind of person? Or maybe what you need cleaned is to small to call a professional.

Good news is that you can keep the power washer in the garage.


The simple way to clean algae and mold in an outside environment is bleach, water, soap, and a pump sprayer.

Example, mix 1 part bleach to 2 part water and 2 ounces of gain dish soap (bleach alternative soap) in a 1 gallon pump sprayer and start cleaning.

  • You’ll want to wear clothes you don’t care about, as no matter how careful you are it will bleach your clothes!

  • Wear Eye protection & a respirator for your own protection

It’s time to start cleaning

Sidewalks - Spray your sidewalks with the pump sprayer, use a brush and scrub for 10 minutes. Rinse off the sidewalk with a garden hose. After the sidewalk is rinsed it is time to “post treat” which is simply respraying the sidewalk with the bleach solution. This time you will not rinse it, leave it! The cleaning solution will brighten and continue to clean the concrete for hours.

Outdoor Furniture - Contrary to what we all have been told regarding bleach and fabrics, bleach will not stain outdoor furniture fabric, which makes it a great choice if your cleaning algae and mold infested outdoor furniture. Whether you are cleaning fabric or plastic outdoor chairs, simply spray on the cleaning solution, let it set for 10 minutes and then rinse off with a garden hose.